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1. The myth of White Supremacy.

White supremacy is the belief that white people constitute a superior race and should therefore dominate society, typically to the exclusion and/or detriment of other racial and ethnic groups, in particular people of African descent. Two of the most infamous promotions of the cause of white supremacy, that have greatly contributed to the current state of the world today, were the doctrine of Manifest Destiny and The Berlin Conference.

Built upon the foundation of a legacy of slavery and exploitation, Manifest Destiny is a phrase first popularized in 1845. It was the idea that the Anglo-Americans of the United States were destined—by God, to expand their dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent. The philosophy drove 19th-century U.S. territorial expansion and was used to justify the forced removal of Native Americans and other groups from their land. In other words, God said that it was ok to ignore the humanity of others as long as they were not white. It was ok steal their land. And it was ok to murder as long as it was in the service of furthering white Americas agenda.

Known as The Berlin conference, fourteen European countries and the United States met in 1884 to plan the organized rape pillage and plunder of Africa. Austria-Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Sweden-Norway (unified from 1814-1905), Turkey and the United States were in attendance. They established rules and territorial boundaries in order to avoid war and act amicably toward each other while being absolute savages toward Africans for the sake of greed. Using the fallacy of civilization and religion as an incentive to make murder on a grand scale seem more palatable to the less greedy in their own society. Ironically, thirty years later these same countries were at war with each other.

These two stains on the history of the world have in the past and still today have negative, even catastrophic effects on Africa and her people, physically, psychologically, economically, and culturally. Manifest Destiny and the Berlin Conference set the stage and enabled innumerable abuses and atrocities committed against countless peoples and societies.

White supremacy has promoted the false narrative that this group of people is smarter and better than anyone with darker skin. Social Darwinism is one of many narratives used to float the idea that certain people become powerful because they are naturally better. “Better” is not the adjective to describe white supremacist, “Willing” is more accurate. White supremacy has proven time and time again that this group of people are more “WILLING” than others. More willing to abuse, lie, cheat, steal, rape and murder on a grand scale for profit, all while claiming to be champions against the very things of which they are most guilty.

If the idea of social Darwinism is true: If survival of the fittest really works, then it would be unnecessary to subjugate, oppress, or enslave others in order for the better man to thrive. If one is better, stronger, more intelligent, and more resilient than the another, the stronger only needs to be himself, act righteously, act morally, doing the right thing simply because it’s right, then there would be no need to keep a lesser man in his place, because the lesser man’s innate inferiority would keep him there. There would be no need to instill fear, conspire to terrorize, murder, lie, steal, cheat, and create laws to subjugate the supposed lesser man. There would be no need for red lines, mass incarceration, and voter suppression.

When a man who believes himself to be superior finds that he is unable to actualize his superiority, he will seek to lower the status of the man he claims to be superior to. White supremacy is a lie.


2. Destructive unsustainable business thinking and practices of the western world.

STAND Africa stands against:
• Seeking profit for the sake of profit with little or no benefit to society, the environment or to human life.
• The idea that business is war. Sun Tsu’s “Art of War” is about war, not business.
• The business of war. Gun and weapon manufacturing, not as a means of national defense, but as a means to generate profit.
• Economic policy that favor the rich, naively trusting the rich to share the wealth. Top down: trickle-down economic theory does not work because of the greed that is required to operate in a predatory economic system. Selfish, greedy individuals and corporations hoarding wealth, doing all they can not to pay taxes or contribute to society, and doing all they can to let as little as possible trickle down to the poor and working class.
• Caveat Emptor. “Let the buyer be ware”. Short term thinking that leads to the standard operating procedure being to supply sub-standard products and service in order to meet short term financial goals.
• Laissez Faire (No government involvement) business practices when it comes to regulation of consumer and environmental protection, while hypocritically seeking government support for corporate tax relief and government support in times of trouble.

3. The promotion of foreign culture and language on the continent of Africa at the cost of African culture and language.

STAND Africa stands against the ridiculous idea of foreign nations setting up religious, cultural, and language centers that promote non-African culture to African people on the continent of Africa. It doesn’t matter what form it takes, promotion of non-African culture only serves to further divide the African people as they subscribe to the cultures of other people.

4. The destruction of the African environment for the sake of building wealth for foreign societies.

STAND Africa stands against the rape and pillage of Africa’s natural and human resources for the sake of building and sustaining the wealth of foreign nations.

5. Foreign governments interfering in the internal affairs of African nations.

STAND Africa stands against those nations and international organizations that push the façade of democracy on Africa while funding terrorist activities and orchestrating coups d’etat on the continent of Africa..

6. Proxy warfare.

Foreign powers using Africa as their staging ground for military strategy. The only military, police or other official representation of any non-African government on the African continent should be confined to diplomatic endeavors, such as embassies and consulates. If a non-African country wants to fight a war, let it be fought in that country.

7. The devaluation of African lives.

An increasing number of countries are trying to figure out how to deal with the consequences of their aging populations and the shrinking number of working aged people. In so doing, some employ ineffective xenophobic measures to boost their populations while rejecting measures that have proven to be effective, like employing liberal immigration policies.

While some countries complain about not having enough people, some in the west promote the idea that the world is too crowded. Lamenting the idea that the population is growing at a pace that someday soon, the world will not be able to produce enough food to feed everyone. Therefore they seek to undertake measures to slow population growth.

The measures that are taken to reduce the number of people in the world are quite often efforts to limit the number of Africans in the world. Supposed benevolent organizations push family planning and birth control in Africa, while western leaders make speeches about African women having too many children. They never make any effort to reduce the population in their own countries, unless those efforts are aimed at minorities. It is common knowledge that the people who occupy the richest continent in the world are impoverished at the hands of the exploitative “rich and powerful” nations. Western nations that promote a political system that they don’t follow themselves: promote a fake morality that they have never applied to themselves, have become “rich and powerful” by exploitation and subjugation are nothing more than parasites, sucking the life blood out of the motherland while pretending to care about her wellbeing.

Population density in the African continent compared to that of the east and the west.

2021 Population Density of The United States, Africa, China, Western Europe, and India.

Approximate Population:
United States - 333 Million
Africa - 1.4 Billion
China - 1.4 Billion
Western Europe - 196 Million
India - 1.4 Billion

Total Land Area
United States - 9 Million Km2
Africa - 29.5 Million Km2
China - 9 Million Km2
Western Europe - 1 Million Km2
India - 3 Million Km2

Approximate Median Age
United States - 38.3
Africa - 20.45
China - 38.4
Western Europe - 43.9
India - 28.4

Population Density
United States - 36 people per Km2
Africa - 45 per people per Km2
China - 153 people per Km2
Western Europe - 180 people per Km2
India - 464 people per Km2
*Information adapted from (2021).

The above information shows a comparison of the population of the continent of Africa to the United States, China, Western Europe, and India in mid 2021. These numbers indicate that the population of the entire continent of Africa (54 countries) is comparable to the two most populated countries in the world, which is an invalid comparison. The total land area of the continent of Africa indicates that western Europe and all the countries listed above can fit inside of Africa. Globes and maps are made to make countries of the northern hemisphere appear bigger than they are in relation to the southern hemisphere, therefore making Africa appear smaller than it really is. Proponents of African genocide warn that someday there will be 1.7 billion Africans in the world. However, population density shows that China, India, and Western Europe are all at least three times more densely populated than Africa.

In other words, Africa is not at all crowded, and is not at all overpopulated. Africa has sixty percent of the worlds arable land and therefore, if left alone, could feed its own people with no problem. So the idea of limiting the number of babies an African woman can have only lends itself to the prospect of having Africa in the same predicament that the rest of the world currently finds itself. That predicament being: an aging population and not enough young workers to support the economy.

The information above also shows that the median age of Africa is much lower than other countries/group of countries listed, indicating that the worlds work force in the near future will be heavily African. Buying into the false narrative of the west, that Africa is overcrowded and needs to control its birthrates will doom Africa to the same failure that the western world has brought upon itself. The hope for a prosperous African future lies in its youthful population. STAND Africa stands against the lies that would devalue the lives of African babies, while the rest of the world promotes the growth of their populations.

8. Racial, ethnic or tribal discrimination.

Africans, both continental and those belonging to the diaspora have to work together in spite of whatever conflicts and differences may exist. We cannot allow former colonizers, the love of money, religious beliefs or any other minor distractions keep us from working together to improve our collective existence on this planet.

The Willie Lynch letter and the Making of a slave

Although scholars and historians doubt the authenticity of the Willie lynch letter/speech, the author, whomever it was, makes some useful points to be pondered. The author emphasizes over and over again that the creation of slaves is essential to the dominant societies economic well-being. He uses terms like “good economics, Long range comprehensive economic planning, and sound economics”. The writing describes a plan of violence and brutality that results in the reversal of the traditional roles of a patriarchal society. It is called a reversal of nature. To make women independent and have no need for the male other than for reproduction. Thus putting women alone in the position to teach the future generations. Making women afraid for their male children through acts of brutality and violence, causing women to teach their sons to be weak minded and passive, so as to better serve their masters. Also promoting women to teach their daughters to be like themselves, independent of males. In addition to the reversal of a man’s natural state, it describes how severing the slave from his original beginnings by denying him his mother tongue, as well as full use and comprehension of the language he is being taught to speak. Most important to the current point, “Divide and Conquer”. The writing points out how important it is to pay attention to and exaggerate the differences in slaves. Thus using the differences to pit them against each other.

STAND Africa stands against the trivialities that divide, and promote the ability to work together to achieve a common goal of strength and well-being for Africans around the world.




In accordance with stance number 17, on the “Does Not Stand For “ page of this website, STAND Africa Ltd. takes no negative action against any institution, organization, or individual as a result of what we “Stand Against”. Our time and efforts are spent supporting and promoting the causes that we “STAND FOR”.

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